A New Presentation(s) by Paul Kiewiet!
To steal another industry’s line, “There’s No Business Like Advertising Business!” Aren’t we the luckiest people in the world? When you’re in the ad business you never have to grow up! Yes, the promotional products business is the Advertising Business which is the Marketing Business and in one day — you get to learn about the ups, the downs, the ins and outs of advertising and marketing.
This lively, enlightening, entertaining presentation covers a lot of territory. You will become a better marketer of your own business, a better professional consultant to your clients and you’ll score higher on your CAS Exam too!
In Advertising and Marketing – the original Part 1 and the exciting sequel Part 2 – we will cover the Four P’s of Marketing and what I believe is the new emerging Fifth P (not to be confused with the Black-Eyed Peas). We will define marketing, advertising, branding and distinguish between the various disciplines. We will also explore what goes into effective marketing planning.
Did you know there are at least ten different types of marketing? You will after this session! We’ll talk about old advertising like newspapers and outdoor and new forms like internet and mobile advertising. I’ll even throw in some good news about promotional products as an advertising media. All this in just the first session. Hold on! Part Deux gets even more exciting!
Here comes the Old Spice Guy! Yep. We’re going to look at what makes a successful advertising campaign. You’re going to learn the three “R’s” of Advertising and I’m not talkin’ about readin’, ritin’ and rithmetic! We’ll discover just how important Cost Per Impression is for effective return on investment. All of the background material laid out in Part 1 becomes an “Ah-Ha!” moment as we review other marketing media and just how they relate to promotional products. We’ll get a brief overview of the new discipline called Integrated Marketing Communications and why it is more good news for promotional products. You’ll understand why trade shows should be spelled “O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y”.
There are three levels of selling and you’ll learn the advantages of each. Plus, as always, I have my own thoughts on this and believe there are actually four levels. So I’ll tell you about that theory too. Then it’s on to my favorite of all subjects and one that I believe passionately about: The Power of Promotional Products! I’ll briefly review how to get the most out of your database, your website and how to become a social marketer. We will also review the keys to more profitability in this business and any business, in this economy and any economy.
Whether you’re working on your certification or whether your looking to improve your skills, you will enjoy this in-depth exploration of Advertising and Marketing!
Paul will be presenting this on March 9 at the OPPA Big Show in Cleveland, OH. To register, visit http://www.oppagroup.com